
Looking for Help

Fire service members may be exposed to critical events or situations beyond the normal capacity of human beings with which to cope. East Hants Fire Service provides several services to assist members  to cope and reduce the impact of these critical incidents.  These include the Critical Incident Stress (CISM) Team, the Family Member Assistance Plan (FMAP) which is a service we have purchased from Homewood Health, a series of five videos that are available on this site and designed to help members and family members with a number of issues and finally, a wallet card that contains the phone numbers of a number of provincial resources and access to the CISM.

On this page is a brief explanation of each service and a link to access them.

FMAP provided by Homewood Health

A program for the benefit of all members and their families an Employee Assistance Plan commonly referred to as Family Member Assistance Plan is available 24/7 from Homewood Health which allows  for counseling and helpful conversation.  Members  and their families  are encouraged to access this program  to support their mental health well being.
Access FMAP

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)

A CISM Team is made up of volunteers from the fire service and the helping community. Each team has special training from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation to help first responders cope with the aftermath of a critical incident.
Learn About CISM

Mental Health Support Videos

The East Hants Fire Service and the respective Departments have recently collaborated with the N.S. Mental Health who have kindly funded  a Mental Health & Wellness program . In concert with N.S Mental Health & Wellness the project has created five videos to support Mental Health & Wellness.  These videos are found on this site and only available to East Hants Fire Service Members and their families.  You must be logged-in to watch them.
Watch Videos
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Reach Out Cards

The Fire Service is pleased to provide wallet cards titled "Reach Out for Help".  These convenient cards  provide helpful hints to assess stress of mental health and wellness issues which may be impacting you as a fire fighter . On the card’s reverse we have listed N.S. Mental Health Crisis Line, Addiction Services, Domestic Abuse Services and telephone access  to Critical Incident stress team .

The East Hants Fire Services encourages all fire fighters to carry the wallet card supporting their mental health and wellness when any such issue may impact YOU!!

Download Card

Reach Out Cards

The Fire Service is pleased to provide wallet cards titled “Reach Out for Help “ . These convenient cards  provide helpful hints to assess stress of mental health and wellness issues which may be impacting you as a fire fighter . On the card’s reverse we have listed N.S.Mental Health Crisis Line , Addiction Services , Domestic Abuse Services  and telephone access  to Critical Incident stress team .

The East Hants Fire Services encourages all fire fighters to carry the wallet card supporting their mental health and wellness when any such issue may impact YOU!!

Download Card